Friday, August 16, 2013

Going Naked: A Follow-Up

Well, the day has finally come: I've reached the end of my journey.

For the past two weeks I've been "going naked" every day.  Tomorrow morning I will allow myself to free my make-up from the prison I've been holding it in (I just put it in a different cupboard than usual), and I just may paint my face up again.

Or maybe I won't; I don't really care.

There have been some awesome things that have come about due to my lack of make-up.  Here are the top 10:

1. Getting ready in the morning takes even less time.
2. I can actually rub my eyes when they itch.
3. I don't have to scrub the make-up off my face every night.
4. I don't wake up with raccoon eyes despite the previous night's scrubbing.
5. If I've been outside and it's really hot and I want to cool down, I can just find a bathroom and splash water all over my face.
6. My crying face is still hideous, but at least I don't have black streaks to add to the grossness now.
7. I honestly think my zits clear up quicker (but I have no evidence to back this up).
8. I focused a bit more on my hair, so I learned some new hairstyles that I can pull off.
9. Instead of packing on the powder when my face got shiny I just washed it and dried it off.  Guess what?  It has the same effect, lasts just as long, and you don't have to carry around powder!
10. I don't feel tired and ugly without make-up anymore.  In fact, some days I looked in the mirror and saw a downright sexy lady looking back at me.

The funniest part of all this was that The Man didn't even notice a difference at all.  About five days into the challenge I told him what I was doing and he said something along the lines of, "well you look exactly the same."  As ugly as I thought I was those first few days, my husband still thought I was pretty darn attractive.

Strangers didn't give me weird looks, babies didn't cry when they looked at my face, and not a single person suggested that I cover up the abomination I call a face with a paper bag.  Shocking, right?  On my super-sexy days, I could even turn a couple of heads.

So if you were scared to go without make-up because you assumed people would be shocked and appalled by your unpainted face, think again!  I'll renew my challenge: go without make-up!  It's pretty awesome, and I promise if you do it for long enough, you're going to start loving your natural face.

(Day one versus day fifteen)

It's funny; looking at these photos you can tell that I look EXACTLY the same; but I feel worlds better about looking like that now.  Sure, I'm not going to win any beauty pageants, but I think I look pretty great :)

Also, selfies with iPads look ridiculous.  Come on, Spotalotamus; use a normal camera.

1 comment:

  1. Show off with your fancy iPad ;-) Jk. You look beautiful either way -- makeup or not. Forrest is the same as "the Man." He doesn't even really notice when I wear make up.

    I recently discovered BB cream though. It's awesome. It's so light weight, and acts as a moisturizer, foundation, and sunscreen. you should check it out!
