Tuesday, June 9, 2015

I'm Going to Start Blogging More!

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Today’s guest post was written by my good friend and offspring, Stormageddon.  Give him a hand, ladies and gentlemen!

So I have some sad news for you guys: I have decided to sell out.  The Man and I want to become vagabonds, and we will need some sort of income to support our directionless life, so…blog.  See, if we’re wandering around this great big country of ours I can’t very well teach in a school, and most online schools require you to come into an office pretty much daily (at least the ones I’ve looked into).

I just realized though, maybe this is not sad news!  Because it means I will be blogging more!  The hardest thing I’ve run into with blogging is coming up with things that are interesting/enlightening/entertaining, and not just things that interest me (i.e. the fact that Stormageddon now poops solid poops.  I could write a whole post about that with pictures, but I’m not going to do that to you).  Due to my lack of direction, I have come up with a plan: an alliterative/rhyming calendar that I will force myself to follow.

Meatless Mondays: We’re vegetarian, so…everything we make is meatless.  These posts will just be any recipes that have caught my fancy lately; I think my first one will be my mum’s semi-famous home-made bread.

Book Reviewsday Tuesday:  I love books, and I read all the time.  Right now I think I’m reading 4-6 books, depending on how often I need to crack them open to be considered “reading them.”  The Man thinks I should be a librarian because of my love of books and categorizing, but I think I’ll just stick with posting about books every now and then (you can’t be a vagabond librarian).

What Was I Thinking Wednesday:  This will be the day where I post Do-It-Yourself (DIY) things that I have tried.  Judging by past experiences, these will all be horrendous failures because I’m bad at following other people’s directions when I think my way could be better.

Throwback Thursday:  On this day I will tell stories of my past.  The past could be a few days ago or the beginning of my life (I remember being in a warm, liquid-filled sac with rumbling noises coming from the outside.  It was dark and lovely).

Freestyle Friday:  A wildcard day.  I might post about something I’ve learned recently, Stormageddon’s recent poops, local festivals, whatever.  This will probably be the hardest day for me.

Fatter Days Saturdays:  I used to work out a lot.  Then I had my bundle of joy.  Now I can’t run five minutes without wheezing.  These posts will definitely be for me as well as for you, because I’ll force myself to actually do the workout before I post it.

Spiritual Thought Sundays:  I teach a class at church once a month, so sometimes I may use my lessons as a template, or sometimes I might riff off a quote or two.  Once again, these posts will be for me as well as for you.

I am not planning on writing a post every single day, so don’t expect 7 a week now, but I will try to write about 4 a week.  So if you need a new book to read, check up on Tuesdays – you might get lucky.  Except not this Tuesday.  Because I’ve already written my post for the day. 

And that, as they say, is that.  Excuse me while I google the phrase “How do I make people throw money at me by writing a blog?”

1 comment:

  1. Yay! I"m so excited to hear this. If you need any help getting things started up, let me know! I'm more than happy to help in any way! :) (and I have a post on my blog thebloghelp.com with tips for monetizing ;-)
