Friday, August 2, 2013

I Spent Today Naked

I have spent my whole day so far naked.  I went to class, talked to my professor, dropped by the office of the school I start working for in a few weeks, ran errands, and drove all over town.  Naked.

OK, not really naked (although I wish I could have been; it was SUPER hot today!), but today I chose to forgo doing my hair or putting on make-up, and it made me feel…different.

I got the idea from my little sister.  She’s a beautiful hipster who hasn’t worn make-up since her emo stage in high school.  Last night I was looking through some of her photos, and I was amazed at how great she can look without anything really accenting her features.  So I decided to try out that style for myself.

Now, I am secretly a very vain person (or maybe it’s not so secret…I don’t know), so I put on clothes that made me feel a bit more attractive – one of my favorite shirts and some tight pants.  This is the girl that the world saw today:
Hey look, it's a girl of average attractiveness.  Cool.
And this is the girl I saw in the mirror today:
I can't think of a witty comment to write here...
Instead of seeing a beautiful girl, I saw a recent acne breakout, the bags under my eyes, my lack of eyelashes, the flattest hair possible, and those darn keloids on my chest.  It was today that I realized: I don’t really love the way I look.

It was kind of a weird revelation for me, because I’ve never worn tons of make-up; I stick to mascara and cover-up (and eye liner when I’m feeling super confident in my hand-eye coordination).  I’ve always thought of myself as more of a “natural” girl, but today proved me wrong.  I struggle with being all-natural.  I feel ugly and worn-out, and that’s not how I want to feel about my face (I would say my body, but I honestly love my body.  Long legs, strong arms, huge boobs, a tight butt, a relatively flat stomach…What’s not to love?).

So here and now, in front of all three of my readers who AREN’T spam bots, I’m going to make a commitment.  For the next two weeks I’m not going to wear make-up.  No cover-up, no powder, no mascara, just plain ol’ me.  I will let myself do my hair though; I have to have something going right for me up there :P

Do any of my female readers feel like joining me?  Or will I be joining your already-formed ranks?

*Edit: To read about the end result of this challenge, go here


  1. You'll kind of be joining my ranks. It's true that I love me some eye makeup, but I've been fairly lazy about it lately ( that translates into not wearing any at all). I don't wear any other makeup. Fixing my hair involves putting a couple of barrettes (I have no idea how that word is properly spelled!). My wardrobe consists of jeans and a t-shirt. Perhaps we should trade, you go naked and I'll put in some effort. :-)

  2. I rarely wear makeup (which I wrote about here: and it's a good day if I do anything more to my hair than run a brush through it. You're in good company ;-)

  3. I always wear makeup to church and to the temple, but beyond that I try to wear as little as possible.(I definitely have a love/hate relationship with the stuff) I think the key is to fix your hair, wear earrings, a ring, a watch, decent clothes and shoes. I dye my eyelashes sometimes too which really helps. Oh, and I am crazy-religious about skin care. (possibly due to post-tramatic-teen-age-zit-face syndrome:) I feel your pain sister!
